The Medici - "Lords" of Florence

Paola Cantatore, Mattia Simeoni
Prezzo speciale 11,40 € Prezzo predefinito 12,00 €

The Medici shaped the Renaissance: without them, Florence would not be the same and many of the greatest masterpieces of art that the whole world still admires today would not exist. But what is their story? A book to learn about three and a half centuries of history, art, intrigues and beauty through the most important protagonists of this great dynasty!

With simple, entertaining language and captivating, colourful graphics, the Renaissance and its treasures have never been so captivating!

Maggiori Informazioni
Fascia d'età6 - 8 anni, 8 - 10 anni, 11+
AutoriPaola Cantatore
Illustratore/iMattia Simeoni
Numero pagine80
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